Te dashur vellezer,
Zhvilluam sot punimet e Lozhes se Madhe te Shqiperise ne pervjetorin e 10 te themelimit te Lozhes se pare te rregullt ne Shqiperi, lozhes “Arberia” dhe ne nje moment te rendesishem te veprimtarise se saj , ate te kapercimit te veshtiresive te krijuara ne marredheniet me Lozhat e tjera te medha.
Nga lartesia e 10 vjeteve e ndjejme veten krenare per arritjet, per zhvillimin e fuqizimin e drites masonike ne Shqiperi, krijimin e Lozhes se Madhe te Shqiperise dhe rritjen graduale por te sigurt te vellezerve qe bejne pjese ne te. Kujtojme rrugen qe kemi pershkruar dhe behemi gjithnje e me optimiste se jemi ne rrugen e duhur. Pengesat qe kemi kapercyer nuk kane qene te pakta, por fale dhe ndihmes se pakursyer te vellezerve italiane dhe te vellezerve nga Greqia, Austria, Spanja e vende te tjera kemi ecur perpara duke patur si busull parimet e larta te masonerise, lirine, barazine e vellazerine. Sot te gjitha lozhat nen juridiksionin e Lozhes se Madhe te Shqiperise kane bere binjakezime me lozha te ndryshme ne Itali e Greqi. Jemi te vendosur ta ecim perpara ne kete rruge per te realizuar aktivitete te perbashketa edhe me lozhat ne vendet e tjera fqinje.
Ne kete 10 vjetor te lozhes se pare Arberia nr.1 e Orientit te Tiranes, Lozha e Madhe e Shqiperise e gjen veten te konsoliduar e te sigurt per te vahduar e perparuar me tej ne rrugetimin tone tradicionale iniciatike.
Punimet e sotme te Lozhes se Madhe te Shqiperise behen ne nje kohe kur gjykojme se i kemi kapercyer tensionet e krijuara nga zbatimi i Marreveshjes se Beogradit. Lozha e Madhe e Shqiperise, I ka kryer te gjitha detyrimet qe buronin nga aktet nderkombetare, duke marre mbi vete pergjegjesite dhe pasojat qe tashme jane te njohuara nga te gjithe. Lozha e Madhe e Shqiperise ka deklaruar dhe ka pranuar zyrtarisht kalimin nen juridiksionin e saj te tre lozhave qe aktualisht vijojne te punojne nen juridiksionin e Lozhes se Madhe te Turqise pa vendosur asnje kusht. Pavaresisht mungeses se rezultateve, Lozha e Madhe e Shqiperise do te vazhdoje ti permbahet ketij qendrimi. Lidhur me Kosoven Lozha e Madhe e Shqiperise I ka permbushur te gjitha detyrimet. Ajo do te ndjeke me vemendje cdo zhvillim pozitiv dhe do te jape ndihmesen e saj qe drita masonike te jete e ndezur edhe ne Kosove,
gjithnje duke ju permbajtur parimeve te larta masonike perfshire ketu edhe ate te fqinjesise se mire.
Te dashur vellezer,
Lozha e pare Arberia dhe me pas Lozha e Madhe e Shqiperi u themeluan mbi bazen e vullnetit te lire te vellezerve shqiptare. Ajo u krijua dhe po rritet cdo dite e me shume sepse vellezerit shqiptare e ushqejne ate çdo dite me punen dhe kontributin e tyre te pakursyer. Per te gjithe ne masoneria eshte nje fryme qe na ben te ndjme vellazerine, dashurine, respektin,miqesine e ndihmen e njeri tjetrit. Pa kete fryme nuk do te mund te ishim ketu ku jemi sot, pa kete fryme nuk mund tu benim balle pengesave qe kemi hasur dhe pa kete fryme nuk mund te shkojme perpara. Prandaj te dashur vellezer le tu japim nje dimension akoma me te madh ketyre ndjenjave ne te mire te Masonerise ne Shqiperi.
Punimet e sotme I zhvilluam ne kete tempull te bukur te ndertuar teresisht me punen dhe kontributin e vellezerve tane. Gjej rastin ti falenderoj ata perzemersisht per angazhimin e tyre maksimal. Desha te falenderoj edhe te gjithe vellezerit e tjere, qe ne menyra te ndryshme kontribuan ne realizimin e mbarevajtjen e ketyre punimeve. Kontributi I gjithesecilit do te evidentohet e vleresohet.
Se fundmi, me lejoni te dashur vellezer qe te falenderoj edhe nje here te gjithe mjiqte qe moren sot pjese ne keto punime dhe qe thane fjalet me te mira per vellezerit shqiptare e Lozhen e Madhe te Shqiperise, Prania e fjala e tyre sot jane per ne nje mbeshtetje e nje frymezim per te punuar me shume e me mire. Dua te falenderoj gjithashtu edhe ata vellezer qe per shkaqe te ndryshme nuk arriten dot te marrin pjese ne punimet e sotme.
Le te sherbejne edhe keto punime per ti dhene me shume vrull punes tone, per te gdhendur secili me mire gurin e tij, per ta bere masonerine shqiptare gjithnje e me solide.
Ju faleminderit te gjitheve
Dear Brethren,
We have gathered today, on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the R.: L.: “Arberia”, the first regular lodge in Albania, as the Grand Loge of Albania is passing some of the most crucial moments of its existence, the overcoming of the difficulties with some of the other Grand Lodges. Leaving 10 years back, we feel proud of the achievements, the development and the empowerment of the Masonic light in Albania, the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Albania and the steady and safe growth of the brothers who are part of it. As we recall how far we have got, we become increasingly optimistic for we are on the right track. The obstacles we have overcome have not been small, but thanks to the help of the brethren from Italy, Greece, Austria, Spain and other countries, we have moved forward by having as a compass the high principles of the Freemasonry, the freedom, the equality and the fraternity. Today, all the lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Albania have twinned with different lodges in Italy and Greece. We are determined to move forward in this direction in order to carry out joint activities with other lodges in the neighboring countries.
In this 10th anniversary of the first lodge “Arberia” Nr.1 of the Orient of Tirana, the Grand Lodge of Albania finds itself consolidated and safe to further advance in our traditional initiatic journey.
Today’s works at the Grand Lodge of Albania come at a time when we judge that we have overcome the tensions created by the implementation of the Belgrade Agreement. The Grand Lodge of Albania has executed all the obligations deriving from the international acts, taking on the responsibilities and consequences that are already known by all. The Grand Lodge of Albania has officially declared and accepted the passage under its jurisdiction of the three lodges that currently continue to work under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Turkey without imposing any condition. Despite the lack of results, the Grand Lodge of Albania will continue to adhere to this attitude. Regarding Kosovo, the Grand Lodge of Albania has fulfilled all its obligations. The GL of Albania will be attentive to any positive development and will give its aid to the Masonic light to be lighting even in
Kosovo, always upholding the high Masonic principles, including here the principle of good neighborliness.
Dear Brethren,
The first R.: L.: “Arberia” and after that the Grand Lodge of Albania were founded on the basis of the free will of the Albanian brothers. It has been established and it is growing every day because the Albanian brothers feed it daily with their unselfish work and contribution. For all of us, the Freemasonry is a spirit that makes us feel the fraternity, love, respect, friendship, and help to each other. Without this spirit we could not be here where we are today, without this spirit we can not break the obstacles we have encountered and without that spirit we can not go ahead. Therefore, dear brethren, let us give an even greater dimension to these feelings to the benefit of the Freemasonry in Albania.
Today’s works have been performed in this beautiful temple built entirely with the work and contribution of our brethren. I take this opportunity to thank them for their maximum commitment. I would like to thank also all the other brothers, who in many ways have contributed to the realization of these works. Everyone’s contribution will be evidenced and evaluated.
Finally, allow me my dear brothers to thank once again all the guests who participated in these works and who expressed ther best feelings to the Albanian brothers of the Grand Lodge of Albania. Their presence and their words today are for us a support and an inspiration to work even harder and better. I would also like to thank those brothers who for various reasons could not take part with us today.
Let these works serve to give more momentum to our work, so that each and everyone of us may carve his stone better, to make the Albanian Freemasonry more solid.
Thank you all.